
  • I LOVE Tech


Data: 29 Martie 2025, 10:00 - 17:00
Preț: Intrare liberă
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Evenimentul:I LOVE Tech
Începutul evenimentului:29 Martie 2025, 10:00


I LOVE Tech 2025 brings to the forefront the latest innovations in technology in a one-day event dedicated to tech enthusiasts. Designed to connect experts, industry leaders, and the tech community in Bucharest, the event offers valuable learning and networking opportunities. Participants will have access to inspirational presentations by industry specialists, interactive workshops, hands-on demonstrations, and networking opportunities with professionals and tech enthusiasts. 

I LOVE Tech, the premium technology conference in Bucharest. 

You can learn about Innovation and Security in the Digital Age, The Future of Energy and programming languages (Java, Python), frameworks and databases. 



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