Principal Developer – Masterclass for Developers



Data: 5 Aprilie 2022, 10:00 Marți
Locul: Romania, Bucharest


2-day masterclass for software developers, where we develop skills that every successful, effective, and trusted dev team lead needs.

About this Event

The Principal Dev is the best developer training of 2020 and 2021 according to DevChampions. IntroductionWhat distinguishes a software developer from a development team lead? As a team leader, you are now in charge of people, their performance, and motivation. Your output is the output of your team.

In this training, you'll learn what does it take to be an exceptional tech leader, how to develop yourself as a leader, and how to maintain balance between leadership and technical duties. In a practical, down-to-earth style, you'll learn how to:

(1/4) Develop yourself as a technical leadBalance technical and non-technical skills
Measure your progress as a leader
Gain trust and respect
Delegate effectively
Communicate with confidence
Influence others without resorting to issuing orders
Motivate people with DRIVE
Improve team's health
Reclaim time for coding

(2/4) Build great teamsUnderstand the importance of mentoring
Replenish your Mentor's Toolbox with the essential tools
Build fast-performing and autonomous teams
Foster an effective learning culture in your team
Foster an effective problem-solving culture
Help your teammates reach career heights
Use coaching to avoid being bombed with neverending questions
Learn to use pair programming effectively

(3/4) Improve development processLearn to measure IT and team performance
Learn how Scrum, Kanban, and Lean fit together
Learn how to plan and deliver work always on time
Learn to prioritize and split work properly
Understand the power of Little's Law
Deliver value faster with Continuous Delivery
Eliminate bottlenecks from your development process
Keep technical debt under control with XP and software craftsmanship
Deliver value, not just software features

(4/4) Accelerate hiringAttract, retain, and grow the best engineers
Learn to filter out candidates that don't fit early
Design an effective, no-bullshit interview process
Learn to assess technical skills and cultural fit
Become an interviewer that wins hearts
Make candidates feel good during and after the interview
Understand why devs aren't lining up to work for you
Build a company culture that developers love
Boost hiring efficiency 5x
The Principal Dev is the best developer training of 2020 and 2021 according to DevChampions.
More info, FAQ, and tickets @


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